Saturday, June 6, 2009

The Surfaris to Perform at Huntington Beach 100th Anniversary Parade

This July 4th, The Surfaris have committed to perform on a float in the Huntington Beach, California 100th Anniversary Parade.  Of course we all know the lyrics to Surfer Joe, "He went down to Huntington Beach one week, for the annual surfers convention meet."  The band is excited to perform at the city where the sport of surfing calls home.   The Surfaris float is sponsored by KWVE 107.9 and The Refuge Huntington Beach.  The Refuge and The Surfaris are working together to design a float that will have a huge wave over hanging with the band performing "in the tube."  The parade starts at 10 am. and weaves through Huntington Beach back down Main Street.  Special Lake Park Bleacher seating is available on the HB parade website for $15.  As an added bonus, The band will follow up the parade with two short performances at The Refuge (Calvary Chapel Huntington Beach)  on July 5th , at 8:30am and at 10:30am sevices.  For more information on times and locations of the Huntington Beach parade go to 
For information on the July 5th performances at the Refuge, go to